
Seputar Puasa: Yuk Kenali Manfaat Puasa Bagi Kesehatan Tubuh Kita! (About Fasting: Let's Recognize the Benefits of Fasting for the Health of Our Body!)

By Arif Ahmad Fauzi - Maret 07, 2023
In less than 1 month, Muslims around the world will celebrate the arrival of the month of Ramadan, the month in which all Muslims fast. Fasting is an obligation for Muslims that must be done during the month of Ramadan. Apart from being a worship that can increase piety to Allah SWT, fasting also has many benefits for the health of the human...

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Tentang Pendidikan Islam: Mengenal dan Memahami Dasar-Dasar Pendidikan Islam (About Islamic Education: Knowing and Understanding the Fundamentals of Islamic Education)

By Arif Ahmad Fauzi - Maret 06, 2023
 Islamic education has been an important part of the culture and traditions of Muslims for a long time. As a religion that encourages science and knowledge, Islam emphasizes the importance of education as a means to improve human life holistically. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of Islamic education and how it affects everyday life.1. The Purpose of Islamic EducationThe...

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Kisah Nabi Sulaiman: Hadiah Kendaraan Hebat Dari Allah (The Story of Prophet Suleiman: The Great Vehicle Gift From Allah)

By Arif Ahmad Fauzi - Januari 26, 2021
 WIND VEHICLE FROM ALLAH     Prophet Sulaiman has 20 thousand horses which are very strong. The horses were used by Prophet Sulaiman for preaching (Dakwah). Prophet Sulaiman loved his horses very much. Because of his love for taking care of these horses, Prophet Sulaiman was negligent and forgot to worship Allah ﷻ.     When the Prophet Solomon realized his negligence, he swore, "In...

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By Arif Ahmad Fauzi - November 20, 2019
RINGKASAN PERJALANAN HIDUP RASULULLAH ﷺ JILID 1 MASA PERTAMA KEHIDUPAN RASULULLAH ﷺ (1).   NABI KITA MUHAMMAD ﷺ -     Beliau adalah utusan Allah kepada seluruh manusia, penutup para Nabi dan imam bagi para Rasul. -     Beliau membawa agam islam, agama yang diterima allah sampai hari kiamat -     Beliau adalah keturunan bangsa Quraisy, suatu kaum yang termulia di Mekkah. -     Nasab Nabi Muhammad ﷺ bersambung...

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